BpHero-UWB上位机是从DECARANGERTLS PC 端源码修改来的,蓝点开放出来的代码,最基本的几个需求发现不能满足,比方:
class GraphicsWidget : public QWidget { QList<Anchor*> _anchorsList; //返回anchor_id的序号 int findAnchor(int anchId); } void GraphicsWidget::addNewAnchor(quint64 anchId, bool show) { //放到list中 anc->idx = _anchorsList.length(); anc->id = anchId; _anchorsList.append(anc); } int GraphicsWidget::findAnchor(int anchId){ Anchor *anc = _anchors.value(anchId, NULL); if (!anc){ return -1; } return anc->idx; }
void RTLSClient::processTagRangeReport(int aidx, int tid, int range, int lnum, int seq) 这个方法是处理标签通过串口上报的数据,然后处理完了就会通知界面绘制,这里就是通过emit事件回调通知的方式: emit tagRange(tid, aid, (range_corrected * 0.001)); //convert to meters 界面的代码: void GraphicsWidget::tagRange(quint64 tagId, quint64 aId, double range) 建立关联是在:RTLSDisplayApplication::RTLSDisplayApplication 方法中: QObject::connect(_client, SIGNAL(tagRange(quint64,quint64,double)), graphicsWidget(), SLOT(tagRange(quint64,quint64,double)));
void GraphicsWidget::anchorTableChanged(int r, int c) { if(!_ignore) { _ignore = true; Anchor *anc = NULL; bool ok; #if 0//for more than 1 anchor anc = _anchors.value(r, NULL); #else if (_anchorsList.length() <= r){ return; } anc = _anchorsList.value(r); #endif//add end. anchPos(anc->id, xn, yn, zn, true, false); } void GraphicsWidget::anchorTableClicked(int r, int c) { Anchor *anc = NULL; #if 0 anc = _anchors.value(r, NULL); #else if (_anchorsList.length() <= r){ return; } anc = _anchorsList.value(r); #endif void GraphicsWidget::insertAnchor(int ridx, double x, double y, double z,int *array, bool show) { int i = 0; _ignore = true; //temp code add start. if (array == NULL){ return; } Anchor *anc = _anchorsList.at(ridx); if (anc == NULL){ return; } //add end. //显示出基站ID值 而不是序号 pItem->setText(QString::number(anc->id)); //..... } void GraphicsWidget::centerOnAnchors(void) { #if 0//for more then 3 anchors. Anchor *a1 = this->.value(0, NULL); Anchor *a2 = this->_anchors.value(1, NULL); Anchor *a3 = this->_anchors.value(2, NULL); //Anchor *a4 = anc = this->anchors.value(0, NULL); QPolygonF p1 = QPolygonF() << QPointF(a1->a->pos()) << QPointF(a2->a->pos()) << QPointF(a3->a->pos()) ; #else QPolygonF p1 = QPolygonF(); QMap<quint64, Anchor *>::iterator iter = _anchors.begin(); int index = 0; while (iter != _anchors.end()) { Anchor *a1 = iter.value(); p1 << QPointF(a1->a->pos()); iter++; index++; } #endif emit centerRect(p1.boundingRect()); } void GraphicsWidget::showGeoFencingMode(bool set) { Anchor *anc; int i; if(set) { //place anchor ID 0 at 0,0 Anchor *anc = _anchorsList.at(0); if (anc){ anchPos(anc->id, a1x, a1y, a1z, true, false); } for(i=0; i<_anchorsList.length(); i++) { anc = this->_anchorsList.value(i); if(anc) { if(anc->show) { anc->a->setOpacity(1); anc->ancLabel->setOpacity(1); } } } }
void RTLSClient::processAnchRangeReport(int aidx, int tid, int range, int lnum, int seq) { QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString nowstr = now.toString("T:hhmmsszzz:"); //qDebug() << "a and t " << aid << tid << "correction = " << (_ancArray[aid].tagRangeCorection[tid] * 0.01); #if 1 if (aidx < 0 || aidx > MAX_NUM_ANCS){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } int aid = aidx;// #else int aid = findAnchorIndex(origin_aid); if (aid == -1){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } #endif } void RTLSClient::processTagRangeReport(int aidx, int tid, int range, int lnum, int seq) { #if 0 if (aidx < 0 || aidx > MAX_NUM_ANCS){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } int aid = aidx;// int tid_inner = tid & 0x7; #else int aid = findAnchorIndex(aidx); if (aid == -1){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } int tid_inner = tid & 0x7; #endif int range_corrected = range + (_ancArray[aid].tagRangeCorection[tid_inner] * 10); //range correction is in cm (range is in mm) int idx = 0; } void RTLSClient::updateAnchorXYZ(int aidx, int x, double value) { #if 0 int id = findAnchorIndex(origin_id); if (id == -1){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } #else if (aidx < 0 || aidx > MAX_NUM_ANCS){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } int id = aidx;// #endif// } int RTLSClient::findAnchorIndex(int origin_id){ int i = 0; #if 0 //这里默认基站ID要大于基站个数的序号 if (origin_id >= 0 && origin_id < MAX_NUM_ANCS){ return origin_id; } #endif// while (i < MAX_NUM_ANCS) { if (origin_id == _ancArray[i].id){ return i; } i++; } return -1; } void RTLSClient::updateTagCorrection(int aid, int tid, int value) { int id = findAnchorIndex(aid); if (id == -1){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return; } tid &= 0x7; _ancArray[id].tagRangeCorection[tid] = value; } int* RTLSClient::getTagCorrections(int anchID) { int id = findAnchorIndex(anchID); if (id == -1){ //找不到对应的基站位置数据 return NULL; } return &_ancArray[id].tagRangeCorection[0]; }
修改串口上报的报文,出发点是,原来报文结构是标签距离0号基站多远,1号基站多远,2号基站多远,如果基站ID变化了,就不能适应,所以报文修改为了,基站Id(16位)+距离 基站ID+距离的格式:
#define frame_length 29//14+10 uint8_t frame[frame_length]; int ra[3]; void RTLSClient::ProcessData(void) { uint8_t frame_type,TAG_ID,seq; uint16 range[4],lnum, anchor_id[4]; frame_type = frame[0]; TAG_ID = frame[1]|frame[2]<<8; lnum = frame[3]; seq = lnum&0xff; char temp_str[1024] = "\0"; int index = 0; #if 0 memset(temp_str, 0x00, sizeof(temp_str)); for(int i=0; i<frame_length; i++){ sprintf(temp_str+index, "%d ", frame[i]); index = strlen(temp_str); } qDebug() <<"test:"+QString(temp_str); #endif if(frame_type==1) { range[0]=frame[6]|frame[7]<<8; range[1]=frame[8]|frame[9]<<8; range[2]=frame[10]|frame[11]<<8; range[0] = range[0]*10; range[1] = range[1]*10; range[2] = range[2]*10; if(_useAutoPos) //if Anchor auto positioning is enabled then process Anchor-Anchor TWR data { processAnchRangeReport(0, 1, range[0], lnum, seq); processAnchRangeReport(0, 2, range[1], lnum, seq); processAnchRangeReport(1, 2, range[2], lnum, seq); } } else if(frame_type == 2) { anchor_id[0] = frame[4]|frame[5]<<8; range[0]=frame[6]|frame[7]<<8; anchor_id[1] = frame[8]|frame[9]<<8; range[1]=frame[10]|frame[11]<<8; anchor_id[2] = frame[12]|frame[13]<<8; range[2]=frame[14]|frame[15]<<8; anchor_id[3] = frame[16]|frame[17]<<8; range[3]=frame[18]|frame[19]<<8; ra[0] = range[0]*10; ra[1] = range[1]*10; ra[2] = range[2]*10; ra[3] = range[3]*10; //下面这么处理是为了保准ra中的顺序对应是第0个基站、第1个基站、第2个基站这么个顺序 for (int i=0; i<3; i++){ if (anchor_id[i] == _ancArray[0].id){ ra[0] = range[i]*10; ra[3] = range[i]*10; anchor_id[3] = _ancArray[0].id; range[3] = range[i]; }else if (anchor_id[i] == _ancArray[1].id){ ra[1] = range[i]*10; }else if (anchor_id[i] == _ancArray[2].id){ ra[2] = range[i]*10; } } memset(temp_str, 0x00, sizeof(temp_str)); index = 0; for(int i=0; i<3; i++){ sprintf(temp_str+index, "%d:", anchor_id[i]); index = strlen(temp_str); sprintf(temp_str+index, "%d ", range[i]); index = strlen(temp_str); } qDebug() <<"distance:"+QString(temp_str); processTagRangeReport(anchor_id[0], TAG_ID, range[0]*10, lnum, seq); processTagRangeReport(anchor_id[1], TAG_ID, range[1]*10, lnum, seq); processTagRangeReport(anchor_id[2], TAG_ID, range[2]*10, lnum, seq); processTagRangeReport(anchor_id[3], TAG_ID, range[3]*10, lnum, seq); trilaterateTag(TAG_ID, seq); } }
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